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Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT)
CAUT is the national voice for academic staff. Today, representing 55,000 teachers, librarians, researchers and other academic professionals and general staff, CAUT is an outspoken defender of academic freedom and works actively in the public interest to improve the quality and accessibility of post-secondary education. From providing collective bargaining and legal support in arbitration and other cases, CAUT actively advances the social and economic interests of its members. CAUT offers courses, workshops and conferences, and investigates threats to academic freedom. It also undertakes extensive research, as well as publishing reports, and a newspaper.

CAUT Defence fund
The CAUT Defence fund provides University Academic and General Staff Unions with a unified strike fund. The funds assets in 2006 were approximately $18.5 million. The primary purpose is to provide strike benefits to Unions while its members are engaged in a strike or lock-out. These benefits are paid as a grant to the Union, to be used at the Union’s discretion, usually as strike pay (which is non-taxable) for individual members. Strike benefits are currently $80 per calendar day. The Defence fund also provides monies to Unions that incur costs prosecuting employer actions alleged to be unfair labour practices or failures to bargain in good faith, and in support of applications for legal remedies against certain other employer actions.

Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU)
The Ontario Public Service Employees Union is one of Canada’s most democratic and dynamic unions, with approximately 120,000 full and part-time members, nearly 500 locals, and 35 Regional Offices and Membership Centres across Ontario. OPSEU membership provides for a wide range of resources and support for NOSM faculty and staff in such matters as grievances, negotiations, legal assistance, communications, and health and safety. Academic and general staff are OPSEU members at a significant number of Ontario Universities and Colleges. The OPSEU Academic Sector and OPSEU NOSM Local 677 are also members of the Canadian Association of University Teachers.

Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations
The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations is an organization of university academic and professional staff. It seeks to maintain and enhance the quality of the province’s higher education system, and to advance the professional and economic interests of its members. This includes taking the needs and concerns of members directly to Government, other higher education stakeholders, the media, and the citizens of Ontario.

Ontario Federation of Labour
The Federation provides its affiliated labour councils and local unions with services in the fields of communications, education, research, legislative and political action, human rights, health and safety, workers’ compensation and basic education skills.

Canadian Labour Congress
The Canadian Labour Congress is the largest democratic and popular organization in Canada with over three million members. The CLC brings together Canada’s national and international unions, the provincial and territorial federations of labour and 137 district labour councils.